We support our employees with our remuneration and bonus policy!

We determine the salaries of our employees, including new hires, in compliance with legal regulations, ensuring they are not below the minimum wage. Our salary structure takes into account internal pay equity, strategic objectives, individual performance, market conditions, and the level of responsibility. Şekerbank's remuneration policy is designed to be competitive, fair, and aligned with market standards, based on data obtained from compensation surveys participated in by other banks in the sector.

Discover the answers to your questions about the remuneration policy of Şekerbank!

Annual success bonuses are decided by taking into consideration our Bank's long-term performance as well as employee performance evaluations and are provided to our employees on a gross basis in January each year, in accordance with Şekerbank Premium Regulation and Premium Committee Decisions. The results of the Şeker Kazan (Score Card) system, which numerically measures performance for regional and branch personnel bonuses, are considered. Competency-based performance evaluation results are taken into account in the bonuses of Headquarters employees.

The Board of Directors' and Senior Management's annual premiums are evaluated in compliance with the Bank's Premium Management Regulations. It is completed in two installments, partially deferred, as determined by the Wage Committee.

Performance scorecards subject to Senior Management premium payments are created within the framework of our Bank's Performance Management System Regulation. Scorecard components consist of a financial/non-financial “Target” section and a “Competence” section that includes environmental, social and governance key performance indicators.

Additional financial rights are provided to senior and mid-level managers constructed on the combination of their individual performances in management skills, qualifications, and professional competencies, their performance in meeting their targets in specific roles and responsibilities, and the effects of these performances on our Bank's long-term performance objectives. The remuneration and attendance fee granted to the Board of Directors members are established following articles of association of our Bank, in addition to the final authority of the Şekerbank General Assembly. The relevant decision made on an annual basis is detailed in the official report of the General Assembly Meeting and our Bank's annual report.

Responsibilities of the Compensation Management Committee:

  • Following the Board of Directors' wage management procedures in compliance with the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK)'s corporate governance principles,
  • When designing a model for wages and bonuses of employees, the position of the bank in the sector shall be taken into account based on the results of banking sector wage surveys conducted by independent institutions.
  • Ensure that the internal balance, strategic goals, and ethical principles of banks are compatible with wage management techniques
  • Reviewing the remuneration policy and presenting recommendations to the Board of Directors once a year in accordance with the needs, 
  • Other responsibilities determined by relevant legislation provisions and fulfilling other duties assigned by the Board of Directors within this framework are expressed as.

Employees at Şekerbank are promoted twice a year based on their performance and the promotion criteria that have been announced.

Our employees' salaries are paid on the first business day of the following month by depositing them into their salary accounts.

Şekerbank employees who are members of the Banking-Insurance Workers' Union (BASİSEN) are considered inclusive personnel and represented by at least one employee in each workplace. The Collective Bargaining Agreement, renewed every two years and signed between BASİSEN and Şekerbank, determines the inclusive personnel's personnel and monetary rights.

In the relevant provisions of the Human Resources Regulation and the Premium Regulation, the compensation policy for Şekerbank personnel is defined. Our Bank's compensation policy, which is part of its Human Resources Policy, is based on legal laws and does not include any additional payments.